Harakteristika Luka Lukich Hlopov Iz Revizora


The Truth about the 'Cancer Update' Email Hoax. Emails offering easy remedies for avoiding and curing cancer are the latest Web-influenced trend. To gain credibility, the anonymous authors falsely attribute their work to respected research institutions like Johns Hopkins. Serial number muvee reveal x 10. This is the case with the so-called “Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins.”.

Harakteristika Luka Lukich Hlopov Iz Revizora

Great Russian classic, playwright, publicist,poet and critic Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (nee Janovskii) wrote many works for his life. Many of them are included in the compulsory school curriculum, and also became the basis of magnificent performances, films, productions. One of the most striking works of Gogol is a comedy in 5 acts 'The Inspector General'. The history of the 'Inspector' is interesting and unusual.

We invite the reader to get acquainted with the birth of imperishable classics and plunge into the world of the genius writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Some biographies The great classic of Russian literature was born 20March 1809 in Sorochintsy (Poltava County). Father Nikolai Vasilyevich, Vasily Afanasevich, was a civil servant and combined his activities with drama and writing. His favorite occupation was writing scripts for domestic performances. It was the father who instilled in the young Nicholas a love of literature, and in part the history of the creation of the 'Inspector' and other genius works of Gogol began precisely when Nikolai was a child. Mother of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Maria Ivanovna,was twice as young as her husband. The couple was married when the bride was only 14 years old.

She was a very attractive lady, who believed in mysticism and occult science. In total, the family had 12 children, six of themdied either at birth or in infancy. The first two sons were stillborn, Gogol was the third, suffered and desired child - the first who was born healthy. Steps of creativity The young years of the classics were rebellious - he, like everyone elsecreative people, had a subtle spiritual organization and looked for himself in himself and a place under the sun. In the light there are such stories as 'Sorochinskaya Fair', 'May Night, or Drowned', 'Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka'. After a while, the collections of 'Arabesques' and 'Mirgorod' are printed. A significant meeting The history of the comedy 'The Inspector' takes itsbeginning in 1934.

Gogol was sure that the comedy genre is the future of Russian literature. Discuss this, he decides with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, and he, in turn, tells him a story-anecdote about a false inspector who arrived in the city of Ustyuzhna and famously robbed all his inhabitants. The history of the creation of the comedy 'Inspector General' Gogol would not have existed, if not for that momentous meeting.

Pushkin's story about the clever rascal is extraordinarystruck Nikolai Vasilyevich, and he conceived to write about this work, which resulted in an action-packed comedy for 5 acts. By the way, the topic of the play was extremely topical at the time - the news was constantly slipping that the remote and enterprising gentlemen in different parts of Russia, pretending to be auditors, robbed the people of the thread. By the way, the history of the creation of the 'Inspector General' Gogol is reflected in our days. Obrazec zapolneniya buhgalterskoj finansovoj otchetnosti forma 0710099.

It is enough to draw parallels. The agony of creativity and a successful ending During the composing of the comedy Gogol experienced allthe boundaries of the pangs of creativity: the history of the 'Inspector', described by literary scholars, argues that the writer even wanted to quit his work unfinished. About his torments, Nikolai Vasilyevich often wrote to Pushkin, but he persistently urged him to finish the play. Gogol heeded the advice of Alexander Sergeevich, and already in 1034 in the house of Vasily Zhukovsky he read his creation before Pushkin, Vyazemsky, Turgenev and other writers.