Free Binder Software


What is Binder? Binder is an open-source web application for managing digital repositories.

Binder is particularly adept at supporting the care, management, and preservation of complex digital collections such as time-based media and born- digital artworks. The app provides users with a central interface through which they can access, view and manage the rich technical metadata contained in Archival Information Packages (AIPs) held by the repository, as well as managing and describing the relationships between the components of a collections object, its constituent digital objects, and the various external dependencies required to preserve and display the collection over the long-term. Binder gathers together all of this information required to make long-term preservation and assessment decisions in a single user-friendly interface. Binder integrates and enhances functionality from two existing open source preservation and access applications: •, an open-source digital preservation system taht is designed to maintain standards-based, long-term access to collections of digital objects • (Access to Memory), an open-source, web-based application for standards-based description and access Binder has also been integrated with The Museum System (), and can pull in artwork metadata via the TMS API developed by Steve Moore at the Museum of Modern Art (). What can you do with Binder? Binder aims to support standards-based digital repository management by providing users with a single place to view administrative, technical, descriptive, and preservation metadata related to objects in a repository and the relationships between them.

This in turn gives repository managers the information they need to craft appropriate preservation policies and implement decisions for long-term care. Binder’s user-friendly graphical interface provides useful information about your collection, its components, and the supporting technologies required to preserve and display objects held in the repository.

FreeFree Binder Software

The widget-based dashboard includes at-a-glance collection, ingest, download, and fixity information, while the reports module gives administrators detailed information that can be downloaded in CSV format, or viewed directly in the application. The graph-based context browser included on artwork record pages allows users to visualize the components of a work, and manage relationships between a work’s components, its AIPs and the files they contain, and related supporting technologies (such as codecs, operating systems, etc) required for ongoing preservation and access. The digital object viewer includes technical metadata extracted from the METS file generated by, a copy of the DIP for easy visual reference, and the ability to download files directly or the entire AIP.

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With Binder you can: • Import AIPs and reference copies of digital objects from Archivematica, and relate them to descriptive metadata imported from TMS or created in Binder. • Gain at-a-glance collection-wide statistics about fixity, ingest, and use via the widget-based dashboard. • Relate the components of a work to derived AIPs and any supporting technologies required to preserve and display them in the future, using a node-based graphical user interface.